Parents Area
“80.75% of students say their parents help them to make key careers decisions“
The Purbeck School is passionate in supporting our students to make informed choices on their future and we are always happy to work alongside parents to support their child in their future choices. We provide a diverse careers programme including visits from local employers, alumni, colleges, apprenticeship providers and universities. Our school library is well stocked with careers related resources, including books from the collection www.how2become.com. Students can also access impartial guidance and advice on further education, training or employment.
Our Careers Advisor is Michelle Scott who is full-time in the Careers Office and can be contacted via email mscott@purbeck.dorset.sch.uk
You can also use the National Career Service which is a free career service supporting young people and parents. Telephone on 0800 100 900 during our opening times or use webchat to talk online.
From Year 10 our students have access to Unifrog, which is a one stop careers destination website providing information on every college and university course available in the UK, it has a comprehensive careers library and a live apprenticeship search facility, alongside lots of other careers related information. We provide parents with a Unifrog login to enable them to support and be part of their child’s career journey.