We were very proud to receive our latest Ofsted report after being inspected on Tuesday 6th March. The report recognises the exceptional day to day work that goes on throughout the school.
A link to the full report is below:
The following statements give you a flavour of this excellent report:
- students’ progress in the sixth form and overall progress measures in the end of key stage 4 tests have been very good
- outcomes for learners are well above the national average (sixth form)
- progress in mathematics in the end of key stage 4 tests in 2017 placed the school in the top 20% of schools nationally, with middle-ability and the most able pupils achieving significantly above pupils of similar abilities nationally
- transition from key stage 2 to 3 is seamless
- pupils are learning progressively in subjects within the five years before taking their end of key stage 4 tests
- individual pupils’ needs are met and pupils’ progress improves rapidly
- subject leaders model the constant evaluation of senior leaders and intervene with teachers and pupils, as and when necessary
- your designated safeguarding leaders make sure that the increasing numbers of pupils with complex needs are safe and secure in the school
- Safeguarding arrangements for the pupils are strong and part of the school’s culture
- you have implemented a planned and cohesive approach to supporting pupils’ progress which has benefited disadvantaged pupils
- you eliminate any external barriers and ensure pupils are ready, regardless of personal circumstances, to learn
- disadvantaged pupils in Year 7 are performing as well as others and disadvantaged pupils in Year 8 are performing better than others. In other year groups, the differences are diminishing
- pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities have been performing well from their starting points for many years
- the special educational needs (SEN) coordinator who leads this area is well-qualified and effective
- attendance overall has improved and persistent absence has lessened
- pupils who come into the school with literacy and numeracy knowledge, understanding and skills that are below the expected standard for their age are supported well by wise spending of the Year 7 Catch Up funding. Most importantly, leaders and teachers are flexible in their identification of pupils who need support.
- there have been very good results in the applied general A levels offered
- learners are known well as individuals and are provided with meaningful careers guidance so that they leave the sixth form to follow appropriate paths in education, training or employment
Parent View
Current parents of students at The Purbeck School are welcome to leave their feedback by following the link below.