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Our Wessex family of schools

Year 9 Options

Welcome to the year 9 Options Process 2025

We are at the start of the year 9 options process and in order to support students in selecting their optional subjects the following activities will happen.

  • 15th January – Year 9 Information evening 5pm
  • 16th January – Assembly introducing process to students during PM tutor
  • 17th January – Options booklet to be given out and the subjects videos go live on the School website.
  • 20th January – Question and answers session on the options process with Tutors during AM extended tutorial.
  • 23rd January – Year 9 Parents Evening to book appointments with subject teachers in order to discuss their progress and what they are considering taking for year 10.
  • 24th January – Personalised options forms to be given out during tutor time. 
  • 27th January – Option forms hand in begins subjects are allocated on a first come basis as long as combinations are possible and appropriate.  If a student’s requested combination does not work reserve subjects will be used automatically.
  • 6th February – Deadline for all options forms to have been returned.

If you would like more information about a specific subject please email the teacher of that subject or Head of department directly.  If you would like support with the options process please email Mrs Simmonds on .

We will confirm what options combinations have been possible and have been assigned to students via email during the week beginning 31st March.  If a student wishes to request a change to the subjects they have been assigned this request needs to come from a parent or carer via email to Mrs Simmonds on , if a change is possible and appropriate we will do our best to accommodate this up until September 2025.