More Able
At The Purbeck School, we believe that all children are entitled to an education that will enable them to develop their full potential, be that intellectual, physical, aesthetic, creative, emotional, spiritual or social.
The Purbeck School is committed to providing a sufficiently challenging curriculum for all its students. In addition, we will provide opportunities to identify and, in turn, nurture those who are academically more able.
We understand the phrase ‘more able’ to refer to the top 5-10% of our pupils as measured through both actual and potential achievement.
More Able Management
Provision for the more able is divided between the lower and the upper school.
KS3-4 (year 7-11) – Mrs Jenny Bartlett
KS5 – (sixth form) – Mr Ben Smith
SLT – Mr S. Holmes
Staff Training
The more able coordinators are responsible for keeping staff up to date with the latest information on more able performance. When appropriate, specific training is given to staff or individual colleagues. The school also invests in good practice educational research regarding more able students and disseminates this as is most appropriate.
Whole School Issues
There is a nominated governor for higher and advanced performance.
There is no specific budget for more able provision. However, the more able coordinator does apply for grants to assist with enrichment opportunities and most university events are free.Enquiries should be made in first instance to the corresponding key stage more able coordinator.