The Purbeck School promotes the Spiritual, Cultural, Moral and Physical (SMSC) development of our students in many ways; some of which are explicit, such as Personal Development lessons and others which are part of the day-to-day experience of our school.
The delivery of a Personal Development programme (see separate subject page) which enables students to discuss issues that arise in situations beyond academic and vocational study;
Assembly themes included democracy, respect, community, professionalism, aspiration and perseverance;
Student engagement opportunities such as student council, student voice, questionnaires and tutor group feedback sessions. Students also play an active role in helping to promote the school through being student ambassadors, mentors, supporting recycling, enterprise activities and providing personal tours around the School during open evenings and other relevant occasions;
- The provision of a broad balanced and rich curriculum. Within this, teachers strive to promote opportunities whereby students are encouraged to engage with the wider world and consider and question their place within it;
- The delivery of a PHSE programme (see separate subject page) which enables students to discuss issues that arise in situations beyond academic and vocational study;
- The use of drop down sessions to focus on specific issues and topics like E-safety, well-being, CSE and careers. Often the sessions are delivered by drama companies or musicians that both play to the students and deliver important messages relevant to their lives as well as the world around them;
- A varied assembly programme through which senior teachers and visitors discuss topics that help students to reflect upon themes that are important in the wider world today. Assembly themes have included democracy, respect, community, professionalism, aspiration and perseverance;
- An extensive extra-curricular programme that includes excellent sporting, academic, musical and other cultural opportunities;
- Educational trips and visits offer students the opportunity to visit and experience things which they might not come across in the local area, as well and enabling them to develop a deeper understanding of our rich surrounding;
- Student engagement opportunities such as student council, student voice, questionnaires and tutor group feedback sessions. Students also play an active role in helping to promote the School through being student ambassadors, reading mentors, supporting recycling, enterprise activities and providing personal tours around the School during open evenings and other relevant occasions;
- Engagement in career planning throughout all years and the application processes for both GCSE options done in year 9 and sixth form application process done in year 11. This supports them in looking into life choices and the important of having aspirations for their futures.
The Purbeck School actively promotes courtesy and good manners through our expectations for all interactions to be respectful and professional. We have a very talented pastoral team who support students with any SMSC issues and a variety of interventions that we put in place when support is needed. As a School we utilise our community and our policies to help students to understand the demands of life and promote their understanding of how to challenge what they will encounter in a way which protects themselves and is respectful of others, making them responsible citizens.
The Purbeck School's SMSC Programme 2023-2024
Useful Links
Keeping Updated About Our World
- BBC News – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/
- Guardian newspaper – http://www.guardian.co.uk/
- Independent newspaper – http://www.independent.co.uk/
- Daily Telegraph newspaper – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/
- BBC Newsround – http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/