Employer Area
Could you help us to inspire the next generation of workers?
We are keen to engage with as many local employers and employees as possible to enable our students to have multiple opportunities to understand what employment opportunities are available in the area, and to learn about the skills that are valued and in-demand within the workplace. Opportunities to visit workplaces, work shadow or carry out work experience is extremely sought after and invaluable for students to explore career opportunities, make informed choices and expand their networks.
Could you support our careers programme?
- Give an inspiring talk based about your industry or job role
- Exhibit at our annual Careers Fair
- Be part of our mock interviews with students
- Provide coaching/mentoring to students
- Run a workshop with activities relating to your area of expertise
- Help champion specific issues and challenge stereotypes within the workplace
- Help to connect a subject to careers by linking a lesson to your industry
- Offer a work experience placement for students at your business premises
- Offer a workplace tour to a group of students or staff
- Get involved in extracurricular clubs and activities
- Sponsor an event
If you feel you could contribute, please contact our Careers Co-ordinator: mbeale@purbeck.dorset.sch.uk