Thursday is World Book Day and it’s not just for primary schools!

Here at The Purbeck School, it’s World Book Day every day with an active library and every tutor group reading for at least 15 minutes each day. But in addition, this week there is a variety of activities and competitions in the library, including a book title emoji treasure hunt, and ‘Batman vs the Bard’, a tricky quiz identifying which quotes are from Batman and which from Shakespeare.
Every teacher and member of support staff has a poster on their door highlighting their current reading, initiating discussion around our reading choices. We are also launching our new ebook platform, enabling the whole school community to read a wide variety of books online. The link to the platform is on the library page of the school website as well as the parent portal. Just log on with the usual school network log on, no extra passwords required!
Mrs J Bartlett
Librarian and More Able Co-ordinator