Examination Resits Policy
Purbeck Resit, External and Private Exam policy
This will cover:-
- GCE resits
- GCSE resits for English Language and Mathematics
- External students wishing to sit exams at the school
- Students within the school sitting privately arranged exams
It will be at the discretion of the Head Teacher whether candidates will be able to resit exams at the Purbeck School.
Students wishing to return to Purbeck School to resit GCE exams in the summer need to inform the Exams Officer in writing by 7th January.
For January exams, the Exams Officer should be informed in writing by 30th September. For GCSE English Language and Mathematics, the Exams Officer needs to be informed in writing or by email by mid-September for the November exams, and 7th January for the summer exams.
All other students are expected to give as much notice as possible.
The points below will also apply:-
- Candidates will need to provide an email address.
- Entry fees for each paper need to be received at the time of entry request.
- An administration cost will also be charged for each paper sat to be paid at the time of entry for exams for students not at the school, or exams that are not part of the curriculum.
- Any invigilation costs incurred by the school will need to be paid in advance – the rate will be an agreed hourly amount, and will include preparation time before and after the exam. This will apply if special individual arrangements need to be made.
- Any special arrangements need to be agreed in advance and appropriate professional evidence given to the Exams Officer as soon as available. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet any special requirements for students not on the school roll. Any costs incurred by these arrangements, such as a scribe or individual rooms, are to be paid for in advance at the time of entry being made.
- Candidates will be expected to provide all their own equipment.
- Candidates should also have photographic identification available if asked if they are not a current student at the school.
- Exam entry fees will be made available on request once they have been published by the exam boards.