There are fewer and fewer people studying Physics and because of the extra demand from technology, medicine, international business and environmental issues, people who have the skills you learn in Physics, will make more money over their lifetime as you can expect to earn in excess of £100k more than those who don’t study Physics. Study Physics if you want a future where you’re in demand and have outstanding career prospects.
Physics is about understanding the world about you and using it to create new technologies for tomorrow’s world, as well as solving the problems that we experience today. It can also be used to make predictions about future events and how to deal with the consequences. In fact, the person appointed by U.S. president, Barack Obama, to deal with the largest oil spill in history (Gulf of Mexico, summer 2010) was a Nobel Prize winning physicist – Dr. Steven Chu.
Those students studying Physics can expect to be in high demand now and in the future.
Summary of course content
Year 12 – AS Level
Electricity and Particle Physics Mechanics, Materials and Waves Investigative and Practical Skills in Physics
Year 13 – A2 Level
Fields and Further Mechanics
Nuclear Physics, Thermal Physics and Astrophysics
Investigative and Practical Skills in Physics
Where the course leads
You will be amongst the top group of people studying, what is traditionally known to be, a very challenging A level; an A level that is highly respected by employers and course admissions tutors. An A level that will make you stand out from all the other students.
Most people these days will have many careers over their working life. Having Physics will allow you a clear entry into many modern and existing professions such medicine, veterinary science, engineering, etc…
Entry requirements
- GCSE Physics grade 6 or GCSE Combined Science grade 6 (with a 6 in the Physics exams)
- GCSE Maths grade 6
- Like for complex scientific theory.
- High level of motivation.
- Real willingness to work hard and keep going when tackling challenging situations. Exam board and syllabus: AQA Physics A
For further advice contact: Mr Nicolaides