16-19 Financial Support and Bursary Fund 2024-2025
The School uses funding from the Government through the ESFA’s (Education Skills Funding Agency) 16-19 Bursary Fund in order to support young people financially so that they will not be disadvantaged by studying for Level 3 courses in the Sixth Form. All applications will be reviewed and awards made according to need as far as possible.
16-19 Financial Support and Bursary Fund eligibility
The 16-19 Bursary Fund has two elements:
1. Core Financial Support:
Young people known to be in the following category will be contacted by a member of staff to ascertain their needs regarding school meals, transport costs and equipment such as a laptop.
a) Young people in care, care leavers, young people in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them.
b) Disabled young people in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right.
2. Additional Financial Support
The school also has a limited discretionary fund. Support is subject to funds being available at the time the application is received and assessed. This is a limited fund and once exhausted no further funding will be available. Financial reimbursement for expenditure is not guaranteed. The fund will be used to fund free school meals, transport, laptops, trips and visits, books and other equipment.
a) Students known to have received free school meals in Year 11 will be contacted to ascertain their needs.
b) Students whose parents or carers are in receipt of Income Support/Universal Credit may apply for discretionary grants to enable them to fully participate in their chosen courses. This may include assistance with the cost of transport, trips and visits, books and equipment.
How to apply:
Students known to be in the Core Financial category or in receipt of Free School Meals will automatically be contacted to arrange their financial support. Students from other institutions should have their details forwarded from that institution so that we can automatically contact them to arrange their Financial Support. However students and parents/carers are encouraged to also inform us of a need for financial support.
All other applications should be made by letter together with the original and most recent Income Support/Universal Credit Award notice or Tax Credit Award Notice (if applicable). Initial applications must be made by Friday 13th September 2024.
Students should also return a signed Bursary Application Form.
Should your circumstances change, applications can be made throughout the academic year.
You will need to apply for a bursary each year. All applications should be made to the Finance Office, at the school.
Payment Method
The bursary will be paid in up to 8 instalments throughout the academic year. Discretionary funds in respect of visits, trips, transport, books and equipment will be allocated as appropriate.
Your Responsibilities
Students will need to fulfil the requirements of their Student Agreement, which is signed on joining the Sixth Form. Should the financial circumstances of the student or parent/carer change during the academic year you must inform the school.
Administration and allocation of bursaries will be subject to The Purbeck School’s normal governance and audit regimes. If a young person feels aggrieved about how their request for a bursary was handled, they should contact the Headteacher in writing.
Further Information
Please contact the school should you have any queries.
Further information is also available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/16-to-19-bursary-fund-guide-2024-to-2025-academic-year/16-to-19-bursary-fund-guide-2024-to-2025-academic-year
Examples of situations where funding can be allocated:
Student X lives in Swanage. He is one of two siblings. The family are in receipt of Universal Credit, and he received Free School Meals in Year 11. This student could be allocated Free School Meals, assistance with transport costs (if not eligible for concessionary transport via Dorset Council), and a laptop for his school work. Later in the year, he is offered the opportunity to attend a History trip; he can apply for assistance with the cost of the trip.
Student Y lives in Wool. She lives with a single parent who has recently been made redundant and is applying for Universal Credit. The student can apply for help with meal and transport costs in the interim, then once the Universal Credit has been approved, the student can apply for further financial support.