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Our Wessex family of schools

Multi Skills Back at Easter

Coach Tarbs Multi Skills is BACK AT EASTER! 🐣 Purbeck Sports Centre

After the huge success of the first one in the February Half Term, the Coach Tarbs team are back on Friday 11th April!

6 hours of Multi Sports (9-3pm) embedding the TARBS ethos of: Teamwork, Attitude, Resilience, Basic skills and Smiles.

 We have even more expanded the age range and employed a new coach to cater for all children’s needs. We have had some amazing feedback from parents and are looking to add in numerous new sports and challenges! ️ 🏏 🏉 🏊 🎾 🥅 🏸 ️ 🥏 

30 places available so please book early to avoid disappointment!

£30 for the day. £25 if you refer someone else, book a sibling, or rebook from February half term.

 For more information or booking form please DM or email

#coachtarbs #multiskills #lifeskills #sport #clubs #fun #purbecksportcentre